Khimera Overlays: Gold Customs
Please also see the entry on Khimeras: Gold Khimbits for further information.
TO BOIL IT DOWN: A Gold Custom is a khimera with a unique overlay owned by a single user. That user has the right to breed and sell overlays from this khimera, which will pass down in the same manner that all overlay images pass down. Users can set the rarities, within limits for the Gold Customs that they own. If the overlay is applied to a Gen 1 khimera, khimbit copies can also be generated and sold.
"Gold custom" refers to khimeras that have a custom overlay image. Gold customs are obtained in a variety of ways. They can be directly purchased through site events, won as bonus prizes when opening certain packs, ordered via unique khimbit or unique growable events, and more. Overlays can be made from unique creatures, khimbits, or existing khimera bases.
Each specific event may have its own rules and requirements, which will be included in the news post that announces the event.
An overlay is always applied over a base khimera, or "under", which is a normal khimera designed via the custom demo. Generally speaking, the "under" khimera must match the overlay as closely as possible in breed. So, for example, a canine khimbit like a yote must be applied over a Likos base. Any overlay base that does't match exactly with a khimera base, for example a snitten escargeaux, can be applied to an Eccentria base. If you don't know what base you need for an under, simply ask a staff member!
When breeding, your khimera may either pass on its overlay image, OR produce normal offspring based on the parent genetics, with no visible overlay.
To create a base for your gold custom, use the custom demo to save a design to one of your "save slots". You will be asked for a link to this khimera when you submit a help desk ticket to claim your overlay.
The "under" design for the Magma Witara overlay. This is the design that will pass on when the khimera is bred, if the overlay image is not passed on. In order to allow others to view your underlay, you must regenerate your custom using the "clean" link on the khimera's profile, and thereafter there will be a link at the top of their page, that can be used to view the underlay design.
Magma Witara Gold Overlay
Custom overlay art may be created by various site artists, or converted from unique khimbits or even growables that you own. Usually, you will be allowed to choose your own name for your Gold Custom overlay, like the "Magma Witara" example above. Names must be unique within a given breed/type.
ALL special-ordered customs (where you are allowed to choose a theme, colors etc.) ARE ARTIST'S INTERPRETATION ONLY. This means that you may not ask for changes unless the custom is significantly different than what you asked for - for example you asked for blues and got oranges instead. This is to ensure that we can get any customs out in a timely manner and keep the price as low as possible. If you feel that you're likely to be upset if your overlay does not come out exactly the way you expect, please do not special order a custom - this will save everyone from headaches.
To set rarities and generate khimbit copies of your overlay, visit the Special Items Shop and look for the link that says "View Your Special Items Here". If you find you can't generate a khimbit, submit a help desk ticket with the name of your Overlay and staff will help you out.
TO BOIL IT DOWN: A Gold Custom is a khimera with a unique overlay owned by a single user. That user has the right to breed and sell overlays from this khimera, which will pass down in the same manner that all overlay images pass down. Users can set the rarities, within limits for the Gold Customs that they own. If the overlay is applied to a Gen 1 khimera, khimbit copies can also be generated and sold.
"Gold custom" refers to khimeras that have a custom overlay image. Gold customs are obtained in a variety of ways. They can be directly purchased through site events, won as bonus prizes when opening certain packs, ordered via unique khimbit or unique growable events, and more. Overlays can be made from unique creatures, khimbits, or existing khimera bases.
Each specific event may have its own rules and requirements, which will be included in the news post that announces the event.
An overlay is always applied over a base khimera, or "under", which is a normal khimera designed via the custom demo. Generally speaking, the "under" khimera must match the overlay as closely as possible in breed. So, for example, a canine khimbit like a yote must be applied over a Likos base. Any overlay base that does't match exactly with a khimera base, for example a snitten escargeaux, can be applied to an Eccentria base. If you don't know what base you need for an under, simply ask a staff member!
When breeding, your khimera may either pass on its overlay image, OR produce normal offspring based on the parent genetics, with no visible overlay.
To create a base for your gold custom, use the custom demo to save a design to one of your "save slots". You will be asked for a link to this khimera when you submit a help desk ticket to claim your overlay.
The "under" design for the Magma Witara overlay. This is the design that will pass on when the khimera is bred, if the overlay image is not passed on. In order to allow others to view your underlay, you must regenerate your custom using the "clean" link on the khimera's profile, and thereafter there will be a link at the top of their page, that can be used to view the underlay design.
Magma Witara Gold Overlay
Custom overlay art may be created by various site artists, or converted from unique khimbits or even growables that you own. Usually, you will be allowed to choose your own name for your Gold Custom overlay, like the "Magma Witara" example above. Names must be unique within a given breed/type.
ALL special-ordered customs (where you are allowed to choose a theme, colors etc.) ARE ARTIST'S INTERPRETATION ONLY. This means that you may not ask for changes unless the custom is significantly different than what you asked for - for example you asked for blues and got oranges instead. This is to ensure that we can get any customs out in a timely manner and keep the price as low as possible. If you feel that you're likely to be upset if your overlay does not come out exactly the way you expect, please do not special order a custom - this will save everyone from headaches.
To set rarities and generate khimbit copies of your overlay, visit the Special Items Shop and look for the link that says "View Your Special Items Here". If you find you can't generate a khimbit, submit a help desk ticket with the name of your Overlay and staff will help you out.
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- | Khimera Overlays | Special Khimeras that don't match their genetics! |