
Please note there may be more than one news release per day, so please scroll down and make sure that you have read ALL the news! :)

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FerrousSpark (#22153) is this week's lottery winner(s), taking home 6,565 trinkets! Congratulations!


We will be updating the official Lounge rules once site migration is over, but in the meantime, we're posting another reminder about what is and is not generally acceptable behavior in the Lounge/shoutbox.

The Lounge is meant for chatting, and not really for roleplay. While we know it is meant in good fun, some roleplaying behaviors in the Lounge can get out of hand. We need to be sensitive to all users and particularly to new users who don't understand the "culture" yet. Therefore, we require that users refrain from things like mock eating, biting, licking, trampling on, and otherwise invading the "virtual personal space" of other users. We will try to be reasonable when it comes to things like hugging friends, but think of the Lounge as an actual Lounge as far as interacting with other users. If it's not something you'd do in an actual irl Lounge, then give some extra thought to what you're about to type. If you want to sprinkle glitter around or paint the walls pink, go ahead, but direct your actions to the chatroom in general instead of toward individual users unless you know them well and know that they won't mind. And if anyone should ask you to NOT engage in this kind of play, please respect their wishes. Please avoid general character roleplaying while in the Lounge and instead take it to the appropriate forum threads. Thank you!

For the tokens that were submitted, all of the remaining gold Ocelotlcoatl, Quetzalcoatl, Turixcoatl, Arabou, Xochiyotlcoatl, Dragomorph or Skywing overlays have now been assigned to their owners! We hope that everyone got something they like! The overlays that remain unclaimed have been randomly assigned to those with tokens still in their inventories.

You will find the results in THIS THREAD!

To claim your gold khimera(s), please submit a help desk report. Please remember that you will need to create an "under" design (this will be the same species as the overlay) and save in the custom demo, then link to your saved slot and include this in your help desk report to receive your custom. You will also need to provide any extra items like serums or firefly potions, and have them ready in your inventory and have any extra beads on hand if required for your underlay. If you do not have these extra items/beads, you will not receive your custom until they are provided.

*Please also provide an overlay name for your khimera!!!*

shadow98fl (#7789) is this week's lottery winner(s), taking home 5,785 trinkets! Congratulations!


Merry Giftmas everyone! You will find in your inventory a special gift, the Glittering Golden Giftmas Present! You will find two items when you open it... one a little more special than the other if you look closely ;) Hope everyone is having a splendid Holiday season!

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