Khimbit to Khimera Overlays
What are unique khimbit overlays?
The Short Version: Unique khimbit overlays are images applied over top of a regular khimera image. The image is taken from a unique khimbit owned by the user who orders the overlay. These are considered to be "Gold" Khimera overlays, and more info on these can be found here.
Also known as khimbit-to-khimera overlays, these are "gold" overlays applied to a khimera. A "gold" overlay is an overlay image that is applied to a single khimera owned by an individual player, as opposed to an overlay that is released site-wide in an event. The owner of the khimera can then choose to breed that khimera to obtain offspring with the overlay image to sell or trade with other users. In this particular case, the overlay image is taken from a unique khimbit that the user owns. The khimbit is consumed in the process, but users can choose to generate khimbit copies of their overlay to sell or trade with other users.
General information on overlays can be found here
How do I get a unique khimbit to use as an overlay?
Unique khimbits are released in site events, usually via event shops. These will be announced in news posts. They usually cost between 2-4 beads each, but can sometimes be offered for free or for trinkets. As the name implies, each khimbit has a unique appearance, no two are exactly alike! You can also purchase a unique khimbit from other users, they can't be searched for specifically, but can be found in user shops and in trades.
How can I get a unique khimbit overlay?
Special events are held periodically where you can purchase an overlay, or receive one as a Bead Bribery bonus prize. Events may specify a single khimbit base, or may allow all unique khimbit bases to be used. The cost for Unique Khimbit Overlays varies by event.
How do I make an order for a unique khimbit overlay?
To order a unique khimbit overlay, you must have the khimbit in your INVENTORY, not your den - this is very important, as if you leave a khimbit in your den when making an order, you can damage your den's functionality!
Khimbit overlays will be applied to the khimera base that most closely aligns with their breed. For example, a Yote khimbit is canine, and thus must have a likos khimera as the "under". If you don't know what "under" base your overlay will require, ask a staff member!
The Short Version: Unique khimbit overlays are images applied over top of a regular khimera image. The image is taken from a unique khimbit owned by the user who orders the overlay. These are considered to be "Gold" Khimera overlays, and more info on these can be found here.
Also known as khimbit-to-khimera overlays, these are "gold" overlays applied to a khimera. A "gold" overlay is an overlay image that is applied to a single khimera owned by an individual player, as opposed to an overlay that is released site-wide in an event. The owner of the khimera can then choose to breed that khimera to obtain offspring with the overlay image to sell or trade with other users. In this particular case, the overlay image is taken from a unique khimbit that the user owns. The khimbit is consumed in the process, but users can choose to generate khimbit copies of their overlay to sell or trade with other users.
General information on overlays can be found here
How do I get a unique khimbit to use as an overlay?
Unique khimbits are released in site events, usually via event shops. These will be announced in news posts. They usually cost between 2-4 beads each, but can sometimes be offered for free or for trinkets. As the name implies, each khimbit has a unique appearance, no two are exactly alike! You can also purchase a unique khimbit from other users, they can't be searched for specifically, but can be found in user shops and in trades.
How can I get a unique khimbit overlay?
Special events are held periodically where you can purchase an overlay, or receive one as a Bead Bribery bonus prize. Events may specify a single khimbit base, or may allow all unique khimbit bases to be used. The cost for Unique Khimbit Overlays varies by event.
How do I make an order for a unique khimbit overlay?
To order a unique khimbit overlay, you must have the khimbit in your INVENTORY, not your den - this is very important, as if you leave a khimbit in your den when making an order, you can damage your den's functionality!
Khimbit overlays will be applied to the khimera base that most closely aligns with their breed. For example, a Yote khimbit is canine, and thus must have a likos khimera as the "under". If you don't know what "under" base your overlay will require, ask a staff member!
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- | Khimera Overlays | Special Khimeras that don't match their genetics! |