Khimera Breeding - Genetics

Khimeras consist of a "back" and "front" breed which are separately determined based on the parents' breeds. In most common cases, each breed has equal weighting - so for example, when breeding an Asadia with an Ayalon, both the front and back has a 50% chance of being an Asadia or Ayalon. This comes out to a total percentage distribution of:

A 25% chance of an Asadia front and Asadia back.
A 25% chance of an Asadia front and Ayalon back.
A 25% chance of an Ayalon front and Asadia back.
A 25% chance of an Ayalon front and Ayalon back.

Exceptions do exist - for some breeds there exist no viable hybrids. These include both special breeds (i.e. the Gryph), and breeds for which hybrids do not yet exist. In these cases, the possibility for hybrids are overridden and turn into pure breeds.

Take, for example, the Gryph - as a special breed, the Gryph does not have any possible hybrids. As it is a recessive breed, it yields easily to other breeds - the percentage distribution for an Asadia/Gryph breeding would look like so:

A 25% chance of an Asadia front and Asadia back.
A 25% chance of an Asadia front and a Gryph back, which turns into a pure Asadia.
A 25% chance of a Gryph front and an Asadia back, which turns into a pure Asadia.
A 25% chance of a Gryph front and Gryph back.

In total, this sums up to a 75% chance of Asadia and a 25% chance of Gryph - since the Gryph gene is weaker than the Asadia gene, it will be overridden if any Asadia passes down to the offspring.

The Draaks and Grimms also have a 25% chance of coming out of any Draak/Grimm x Non-Draak/Grimm breeding (and a 50% chance in a Draak x Grimm breeding). This is not because the breeds are recessive, but because hybrids for the two are not available yet.

Different breeds may have different rarities and dominances relative to other breeds - you can find a Breed Predict Tool underneath the Help menu in order to verify what possible offspring you may get from a certain pairing.

When you breed two khimeras, and they both have the same marking at 100%, the baby will have the marking at 100%.
When you breed a khimera that has a marking at 100%, with one that does not have that marking at all, the offspring will have that marking at an opacity between 0 and 100%.
If it is a 80% marking being bred with a 29% of the marking, the outcome will be somewhere between 29 and 80%. It will always be somewhere random between the two.

The khima always follows the mother's marking order. Markings the mother does not have are added to the top of the layering order.

For example, if a Female with markings

breeds with a Male with markings

the khima will have markings listed as such

A variation can be non-carried, carried or showing. Here is the breakdown for how they pass down:

Showing x Showing = 100% chance of showing
Showing x Carrying = 60% chance of showing, 40% chance of carrying
Showing x Non-carrying = 30% chance of showing, 70% chance of carrying
Carrying x Carrying = 60% chance of showing, 30% chance of carrying, 10% chance of not carrying
Carrying x Non-carrying = 50% chance of carrying, 50% chance of not carrying

Usually the images will auto-generate, but if you have a khimera that has no image, simply regenerate the image and hard refresh the page (ctrl + F5 in firefox). Be sure that the reason that you cannot see your khimera is that you have applied an invisibilification potion!

Parent Entry
- Khimera Breeding