Vital tip: when using a starter egg or seed, make sure that you do not "complete" the very first Growable that you produce. If you do, you will have no more eggs to grow and will have to obtain another one. Always click "Harvest and send to Egg Basket/Seed Pouch" until you get at least two eggs when harvesting. That way, in the next generation you will still have at least one egg or seed to grow to continue the line.
What are Growables?
Growables are items that you can produce by using seeds or eggs in the Garden or Lagoon. These items take the form of plants, trees, flowers etc. (flora, grown from seeds) and birds, fish, animals, etc. (fanua, grown from eggs). Once grown, an item can be put into your deco chest and used to deco/dress up your khimeras!
Some growable seeds and eggs
A khimera with a background and other deco items, including a bandacoon hedgehog Growable
What is the difference between a Growable and other deco items?
Regular site items come in a limited set of colors that cannot be changed by the user. Growable items come in a variety of starter colors and patterns, and can be evolved through generations to obtain any set of color combinations under the sun! A single starter seed can give you nearly unlimited numbers of different-colored items over time.
How can I get a growable egg or seed?
Seeds and eggs are divided into two categories - starters and user-produced. Starters come directly from the site, though direct sale from the cash shop, as prizes in event packs, etc. User-produced seeds and eggs come from growing starters in the Garden or Lagoon and are account-bound - they cannot be sold or given away to other users, though they can be discarded through your inventory.
You can obtain a starter seed or egg by purchasing them directly from the cash shop when available, via event surprise packs, by site giveaways or by purchasing from other users. Eggs and seeds that you have grown from your starter eggs will be found either in your inventory or egg pouch/seed basket, depending where you send them upon creation.
How do I start using the growables system?
The first thing you need to do once you have obtained a starter seed or egg, is to put it in your egg pouch/seed basket from your inventory. Your starter item is now ready to grow! Head over to the main Growables page to select the Garden (seeds) or the Lagoon (eggs) and select the correct environment.
Let's use eggs as our example. Once you have clicked into the Lagoon, you will notice a series of empty bubbles that you can click on. This will bring up a panel where you can view the eggs in your basket and select one to grow. You can use the search bar to search for specific eggs. Once you have clicked the egg of your choice, it will begin incubating in the warm, nurturing waters of the lagoon. Once three hours have passed, you can click your egg to care for it again. Your egg will need to go through three stages of incubation before it is ready to progress!
There are three options to choose from when your seed or egg has reached maturity. You can "Complete Growable", which will create the plant or creature shown in the preview image and send it to your inventory, or "Harvest and Send to Inventory" / "Harvest and send to Seed Pouch/Egg Basket".
If you "Complete Growable", you will have reached the end of the line for that particular seed or egg, and you will not be able to grow that line any longer, therefore you usually want to make sure you grow at least two or three generations from your starter egg or seed before completing any Growables. That way you will always have more eggs or seeds to keep re-planting in the garden or lagoon.
Choosing "Harvest and Send to Inventory" is the right choice if you do not like the color direction your Growable is heading, and you don't want to grow any more like that. It will send the resulting egg(s) or seed(s) to your inventory so they do not clutter up your pouch or basket. "Harvest and send to pouch/basket" will send the resulting eggs to your pouch/bakset so you can grow the next generation.
Some growable seeds and eggs
A khimera with a background and other deco items, including a bandacoon hedgehog Growable
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