Aethers (Previously Custom Khimbits)
Note: This feature is semi-retired at this point. While existing creation items are still useable, we don't anticipate adding any more aethers to the site and it will likely be permanently retired at some point in future. Aether bases will eventually move to the khimera custom demo.
Female and Male Fenniks
Aethers as they exist on khimeros were originally introduced as custom khimbits, with two breeds - the Fennik and the Margay. In February 2018, the Hsulan became the first aether breed to port from Aluriya to Khimeros and all custom khimbits became known as aethers.
Female Hsulan
"Mini Chrysalids" also became known as "Aether Chrysalids".
Original khimbit breeding crystals were also retired at this time and aether breeding crystals were introduced.
Retired Khimbit Breeding Crystal -> Aether Breeding Crystal
The retired crystals will be able to be turned in to receive deco items.
New breeding crystals are obtained when releasing khimeras.
Creating Aethers
Aethers are created via the aether demo. See the list of creation items at the bottom of this section.
Be sure to create a male and female from the same group if you wish to breed them together. Groups are described above.
Both rainbow and rainbow enigma patterns are available for aethers.
All khimera serums are also available for use on aethers.
Glow options for aethers include static body glow and marking glows, in plain color, enigma and rainbow flavors.
Where a breed has a pattern with multiple variants, such as pinta or feral, you will need to load the pattern, then refresh the image to select from the drop-down list of variants.
***At this time, extra patterns, variations and glows CANNOT be added to an aether after they are already created!***
List of Items Used For Aether Creation
Aether Chrysalis
Specific to each breed.
Pattern and Variation Crystals
Used to add a pattern or variation if the breed supports variations, at time of creation.
Mini Firefly Potions - Regular, Enigma, and Rainbow
Used to add a body glow or a glow to aether markings at time of creation.
Enigma Crystal
Use *with* a pattern crystal to add a full-body enigma effect on your aether.
Enigma Shard
Use *with* a pattern crystal to add a rainbow enigma marking to your aether.
Breeding Aethers
Unlike khimeras, aethers are not all able to breed with all other aethers. There are currently two groups - the original margay and fennik, and the hsulan and any original Aluriyan aethers that are added to the demo. When checking out designs in the demo, please note that switching between groups will erase any patterns/mutations that you have input! You can only switch between breeds that support the same markings without losing your input
Male and female aethers have different poses, and you must have a male and female to breed.
Male and Female Margays
Aethers must be placed in the den from your inventory after creation in order to be bred. They will appear in the "Aether Den" which can be accessed by a link at the top of the Den page. You can then click on an aether and request a breeding from their profile page.
You must have an Aether Breeding Crystal in your inventory to breed your aethers.
You must have a male and female aether of compatible breeds in your den in order to breed them.
Breeding is instant, and offspring can be bred immediately.
There is a 20% chance to get a twin when breeding your khimbits, and a 5% chance of triplets!
Where variations are present on the parents, there is no variation "dominance". The variation that shows on the offspring will be random.