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Mezma (#1539) is this week's lottery winner(s), taking home 9,550 trinkets! Congratulations!
Looks like Onyx is alive after all...... Good thing I buried her in that shallow grave, huh? Eh heh heh.... heheheh.... 20 Comments |
I suppose I could have put it more delicately but I decided just to come right out and say it. Beloved Leader is gone. Like Icarus flying too close to the sun, her lust for my glorious jiggle twins has done her in. Blinded by my beautiful bubble pop, she came too close whilst I was sitting and died instantly upon impact. Were it not for the lusciousness of my turkey stuffin’ our beloved overlord would still be alive. Alas, my sit biscuit is just too scrumptious and she is now no more. Which means, of course, that the site is mine. You may refer to me as ‘my lord’ or ‘your majesty’ or perhaps ‘your holiness’ if you feel like starting a new religion with me as the figurehead. I wouldn’t mind. Perhaps some Arabasti statuary. Hmmm... Anyway, to prove how equitable and generous your new ruler is, I will make all my dissenters members of my court. Shift will be Gentleman of the Bedchamber Nyghtraven will be Cofferer Trippy will be Groom of the Stool Jio will be Court Eunuch Molly will be Babymama Laev is Captain of the Guard, so don't cross her. And the role of Queen will be just whoever I’m in the mood for at the time. Now let’s have a little silence for Onyx’s last moments with us… 35 Comments |
This has been an absolutely horrible winter for sick. But I've been laid low again, this time with the flu+. However I figured I'd post a brief news post regarding copper dragon eggs before I go die in bed again. All new items can be found in the copper eggs, save the cozamalotl and the quetzalcoatl which remain in the new eggs. Check out the new LE base, the turixcoatl, in the custom demo under draak. A more comprehensive news post will be posted assuming that I actually live. If not, good-bye cruel world! P.S. there WILL be a turn-in event for unwanted Yectlitan Dragon's Egg items and it will be a bit more comprehensive than in past years.
P.P.S Here's an image for you with some of the goodies :) 9 Comments |
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