
Please note there may be more than one news release per day, so please scroll down and make sure that you have read ALL the news! :)

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This is your warning that the current bead sale/arabi overlay bead bribery event will wrap up at the end of the day on Friday. We have let this one run extra long due to Arabi packs. We will still have our usual end-of-the-month BB event with new bonus items :)


Bead Sale and Bead Bribery Mid March 2023!

Beads are now on sale! This time, our bead bribery items will be "hornless" arabi overlays! I will mostly be making natural horse colors, but if you have a special request for yours, try to catch me in the Lounge when I am taking orders (within reason!). For every 25 beads purchased, you will get one "hornless" overlay! You should still submit a support ticket to claim your overlays (the number of overlays you are due, not a description of what you want), so I can keep track.

We hope you will enjoy these new Prancing Arabi Surprise Packs, featuring an old favourite!

Each pack contains a variety of wearable deco and backdrops! If you are really lucky, you may also receive a Prancing Arabi chrysalis or a master item!

Chrysalids will allow you to create your own custom Prancing Arabi! Master items are one-of-a-kind items that you can either keep unique to yourself, or can sell copies to other users via the Special Items Shop. Master items have a rainbow colored border around their thumbnail image, so watch for rainbows when opening your packs!

Get chatty in the Lounge for your chance to pick up these new Potted Plant items!

This is just a reminder post about what to do when you see trolls on the site posting harassing or vulgar content. The best thing you can do in these cases is create a support ticket or send a PM on discord to Onyx. If it's in the Lounge, DO NOT ENGAGE, meaning do not respond to trolls in any way. Just BLOCK and ignore them. Staff will ban the accounts as soon as they see the message/ticket. In this particular case, the culprit (with indisputable proof) was the user DarklingShadow, so use caution with any contact with this person offsite.

It's the first of the month, and that means new tokens are circulating! This month featuring the March 2023 Shortbread Token! Thanks to Trippy for the token art!

Reminder: February tokens must be turned in to Emporium Galorium and Retro & Recolors shops BEFORE the end of April or they will expire for these two shops and only useable in Fantastical Fantasies. March tokens must be turned in before the end of May.

Current Token Breakdown:

Foraging: 1 - 2 point tokens can be found in all areas.

The Lounge: 1 - 2 point tokens and 10 point supertokens drop randomly for active chatters

Kai & Tai Quests: 1 and 3 - 5 pointers drop depending on your level; rare chance of 10 point supertokens for those who have achieved Prismatic Crystal level.

Dunk the Twins: Dunking the Twins in the Vendetta Venue now awards tokens! 1 point of token per game point, and a 50% chance at a 10 point supertoken when you get 3 points!

As a reminder, tokens will begin to drop from more activities as their current items expire.

Keep an eye out for more items to start dropping into the Emporium Galorium and Retro & Recolors shops!

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