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It's time for the homage to Basti's father to retire and to honor his mother! Rait Chrysalids, Rait Custom Tokens, and the Xinmet Cascade and Xinment Cataract items have been retired from retro packs. In their place: Iahmit Chrysalis Xinment Ocean Overlook Backdrop - Dawn and Twilight If you are very lucky you may find a Iahmit Custom Token that can be used to order a gold custom Iahmit!! 7 Comments |
Twi (#13) is this week's lottery winner(s), taking home 10,650 trinkets! Congratulations!
With retro month comes retro khimbits!! Watch the Retro Unique Khimbits event shop for some old favourites to stock! Watch the news for unique retro khimbit treats, coming soon ;) 3 Comments |
Classy Toad (#28579) is this week's lottery winner(s), taking home 30,250 trinkets! Congratulations!
RETRO MONTH IS HERE AGAIN! This time with some EXTRA SPECIAL additions from Arabasti's family and homeland, which he will tell you about in a moment! For those who are unfamiliar with retro month, this is an annual event where you can purchase retro packs, which contain monthly treasure packs from previous months and years on the site (past three months excluded)! They also randomly contain other special items such as pattern addition, subtraction and color change potions and fabulous limited edition items! Arabasti will fill you in on the currently available goodies! Snagged too many duplicate treasures while trying to get those special items? No worries, as you can turn in these unwanted items during "turn-in" events for wonderful prizes! Previously we had one annual turn-in event but this year we will have multiple events... stay tuned for more info on that! In honor of retro month we will be EXTENDING THE BEAD SALE for an additional week. And now, I will turn you over to Arabasti! ========================= Well I've come back a day early... and bearing a bombastic message it seems! No, I wasn't chased out with pitchforks. How things went is perhaps too complicated to spell out in a news post so I'll just say the trip was 'nice' and leave it at that. Now, I managed to sneak a few things past customs (shhhhh, don't tell!) but the others you'll have to pay a small fee for. Tamrinesian goods are highly prized, you know. Especially from the Upper Tamrinesian Kingdom, on the mainland. Thus far you've only been introduced to the islands. So I'm going to change that. The region of Tamrinesia I hail from is called Xinmet, the Great Well, named for the steep river valley and deep falls. The humans who settled here tell us their original river home was quite deserty and not so rambunctious. Frankly, it sounds dreadful. I prefer tropical leafage and waterfalls, thank you very much. Pictures and so on will come later. I do have one of me and my smuggled goods. There's more yet to come. I told my family about Khimeros Central and what people do here and they consented to allow their likenesses to be used on site. In our culture a person's physical appearance is meaningful, so to say that it is a Big Deal is something of an understatement. Consider yourselves very lucky. .................................................. A portrait of my father, Senra. Yes, yes. He's very handsome. No, Rait isn't his name. It means 'sun father' in my native language. He said I could borrow his likeness, not his identity. .................................................. The rest of the goods will be arriving in casks. You can pick up single or double in the Cash Shop for 5 or 7 beads respectively. Inside each you will get one item. As in previous Retro Events, you are most likely to receive a single monthly treasure pack, these will have been released any time between June 2009 to March 2016. But you could instead find yourself with Potions to alter your khimera's genetics. (these may or may not have been picked up on the wrong side of Xinmet) Accessory Gold Custom Token Packs Limited Edition Xinmet Cascade and Xinmet Cataract Falls Backdrops Limited Edition Rait Chrysalis And last but definitely not least, lucky lucky users will receive a Rait Gold Custom Token. This is the ONLY way to get a gold custom Rait, you cannot use Gold Choice tokens to order one! (Gold Raits will have a Rait demo base. You will need to submit a HELP DESK to order your Rait Gold Custom) 14 Comments |
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