
Please note there may be more than one news release per day, so please scroll down and make sure that you have read ALL the news! :)

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A new pool of unique khimbits will begin shortly! For those who don't know how this works, check under World > Event Shops for the new shop to appear at the top. The shop will appear empty, because new khimbits only drop once every 4-ish minutes. They will appear on/around the beginning of the minute, so there's no need to refresh continually. When they appear, the khimbits are often bought up very quickly, so you need to be fast to grab them. Each khimbit costs 3 beads.

A bead supersale will be on from now until the end of the day, Friday, with beads at 20% off!

Bead Bribery this time is a free khimbit or growable overlay for every 25 beads purchased! Purchase a custom under for your overlay for an additional 30 beads! These unders will come with the usual 3 free patterns. Glows, enigmas etc are extra.

To order your overlay, if it is a khimbit, be SURE it is in your INVENTORY and NOT in your den. Provide the name or number and type of the khimbit in a Support Ticket, along with a link to the khimera you want it applied to. You must also provide a name for your overlay, and it cannot be the same name used by your khimbit or any other khimbit of the same breed. "Under" bases must be the base that most closely matches the khimbit in question, so a yote for example would have a likos under, a chillpaca would have an ayalon under. If you are not sure about what the correct under is, ask a staff member. Your khimbit will be consumed in this process.

For growables, please make sure your growable is in your INVENTORY and not in gallery or anywhere else. If you have any other growables in your inventory with the same color name/type, please put those extras in your safe deposit box or elsewhere to avoid confusion. The overlay process will NOT consume your gowable. You must also provide a name for your overlay. Same rules apply for the under khimera as for the khimbit overlays.


We will be changing the items release system to a token-based system! This is how it will work.

-There are 3 shops with different items to choose from: Retro & Recolours, Emporium Galorium, and Fantastical Fantasies.

Retro & Recolours will feature re-released items 3 years or older, along with recolors of said items. These items will mainly come from activities like dice, quests etc. and not from the cash shop or event shops.

Emporium Galorium will feature new items, which may be khimera wearables, backdrops, general deco, and maybe some surprises too!

Fantastical Fantasies will have higher-ticket items... perhaps things like growables, overlays, or even chrysalids. We'll have to see how it goes.

-Tokens will come out one month, and retire two months after their release month. So for example, a June 2013 Strawberry Token will come out at the beginning of June, and will expire at the end of August 2023.

-Once expired, the tokens will no longer be useable in the Retro & Recolours or the Emporium Galorium. ALL tokens will be "evergreen" for the Fantastical Fantasies Shop.

-Tokens will also be useable as deco!

-Tokens will begin to cycle into the game once the current items hit their "expiry" date.

-The shops will open somewhere around the beginning of March, though the Fantastical Fantasies shop might take a bit longer to open.

-Most items in the Retro & Recolors and Emporium Galorium shops will cost between 3-6 points. This may need to be adjusted as we see how it goes.

-Activities like Dice, Quests, Foraging, the Minstrel, etc. will give out tokens between 1-5 points depending on the activity.

-We are not sure about the retirement rate for shop items. We will have to keep an eye on the price of these items in user shops, when they fall too low, we'll look at retiring the items. We'll have a better idea once the system has been operating for a while.

-All activities that currently give out items will start giving out tokens instead, with the exception of the Lounge. You will still be able to pick up Lounge-exclusive items along with activity tokens!


I've been thinking about changing the way we release items. The way things are currently, if we release a batch of items for the Minstrel, for example, once people have one of each item, they don't really need duplicates unless it's environmental deco. But we really need more khimera wearables, and I'd like to keep releasing plenty of backdrops and other one-use things.

I'm thinking of moving to a new system where all activities give out tokens instead of items. These tokens could be spent in an item shop. This way, I can add a wide variety of items to the shop, in more colors than we currently offer for most items, plus re-releasing some old retired items, older item recolors, etc. Maybe we can think of some creative things too like adding in chrysalids periodically or limited edition khimbit runs, anything we can think of to make things fun.

The activity tokens would be coded by month, and would expire after a couple of months, so they'd have to be spent by that time. This would make it worthwhile for people to keep doing activities every day, and probably also make the tokens valuable enough for people to sell for beads to other users (in bulk). Tokens would be given out in lieu of items from the Minstrel, Tai & Kai quests, dice, khimera release, the Lounge, maybe even foraging. The items in the shop would also retire periodically, but not as often as the tokens would expire. Being able to choose your items would allow people to be more strategic about which items they buy, which items they want to have duplicates of to sell later, etc. Discussion of this idea should be held in the LOUNGE channel here on the Discord server, in the Live Chat/Lounge here on the site, or in the news comments on-site.


New Release Rewards!

Do your part to keep our wild khimera populations strong by releasing your excess khimeras to the meadow! Earn cool prizes! Get it? Coooool prizes?

Get your chat on in the Lounge for a chance to pick up one of these new (Un?)Luffly Thought Bubbles!

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