
Please note there may be more than one news release per day, so please scroll down and make sure that you have read ALL the news! :)

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We hate to see them go, but it's coming time for the Tamrinesian dragons to slip away back to their paradise.

If you still have turn-in items, you will still be able to bring them to the Turn-In Shop. HOWEVER:
This is a 24-hour notice that Gold Dragon Eggs will be leaving the Cash Shop
so grab them while you can!

Also to wrap up the Tamrinesian Dragon Event, we will be having one more Limited Edition Design Contest! This contest will feature the Leafy Sea Draak!

This design features five Patterns (including Rainbow), one Variation, three glows, and four Enigmas (including a Base enigma).

We've changed the rules for this design contest, so please make sure to read carefully!

1.) ONLY ONE ENTRY PER USER. (Please post your entries HERE.)
2.) You are only allowed to use the Leafy Sea Draak base in this contest.
3.) You are allowed to use enigmas on Patterns and Variations.

Contest ends April 5, 11:59PM site time!

If you have questions, PLEASE make sure to post them HERE!

We also have a new Gen2 Khimbit available, the Jackalope, to breed in the Meadow!
Upgraded users will need collectible (Male/Female) Dear and Bunneh for these little guys!

Natural and Mossy!

Marble and Frost!

Sinister, and the bonus twin, Glow!

Remember, to breed Jackalopes you need to be upgraded. You can purchase Monthly Upgrade Tokens in the Cash Shop!


It sounds like a mix of prancing hooves and scratchy claws..?

Tonight we welcome a new Hybrid base, the Aylion!

The Aylion is the new default base for the ayalon-asadia and the asadia-ayalon. This means that you will mostly see this new base when breeding, but the vintage hybrid bases will still pop out from time to time.

In the Custom Khimera Demo, simply select the front and back breeds to ayalon or asadia (either way works), refresh, and select "Aylion" in the Alternate drop-down list, then refresh again. You can create Gen1 Custom Aylions with a Hybrid Chrysalis, which can be purchased in the Chrysalis Cave. Hybrid Chrysalis will now be infinitely stocked in the Chrysalis Cave, and are on sale for 20 Beads each for the next TWO WEEKS!

You can also edit asadia/ayalons and ayalon/asadias into Aylions using Emergency Duct Tape!
Emergency Duct Tape can be purchased in the Trinkets Section of the Cash Shop!

Larny (#20009) is this week's lottery winner(s), taking home 9,750 trinkets! Congratulations!


The Kowra have all swam away, we now have clever Fitchets around the site!

Foraging in the Meadow you could find the Full Bloom, Twigy, and Chickadee Fitchets!

While chatting in the Forums Spirit Fitches could follow you home...

And, if you're upgraded and lucky, Dice is the place to find these Constellation Fitchets!

And if you're upgraded, don't forget to visit the swamp for your monthly upgrade item, a Mourning Cloak Butterfly Pack!


First, Please note that this is your 24-hour notice for collecting Scarab Tokens!

We also have a 10%-off Bead Sale! Users outside the United States get 1 free Bead for every string of Beads bought, if you buy 4 or more strings. Please make sure you submit a Help Desk in order to claim your beads!

The Tamrinesians have brought forth another Limited Edition chrysalis, the Leafy Sea Dragon!

Like all the other Limited Edition chrysalis, there will only be approximately 30 of these available!
All other Gold Egg items are the same as previous pools.

Now, we're wondering if you're all ready for the Sea Dragon Egg Turn-In.. We'll assume you are, so here's how it goes!

You will be happy to know that Gold AND Silver Sea Dragon Egg items can be turned in for points in the Dragons of Tamrinesia Turn-in 2016 Event Shop! Check out the Event Shop for the point spread for turned-in items. If you do not see an item listed, it means it cannot be turned in for this event.

Points you earn in the Turn-In shop will be used to buy Rainbow Sea Dragon Eggs.

Here are some previews of what you can get from Rainbow eggs:

Fennec Family Pack, Golden Wolf Family Pack

Mystical Desert - Dawn, Dreaming, Dusk

Oasis Pack, Tamrinesian Pyramids Pack, Tamrinesian Sphynx Pack

Tamrinesian Riverside Backdrop, Tamrinesian Riverside Backdrop - Night

You might also receive a growable Phanera Tree Seed!

If you are very lucky, you may find a special bonus Tamrinesian native - the Mummified Minstrel!

If you open 10 eggs, you will receive the second Tamrinesian native - Arabasti himself!

And finally, we have one last new khimera to introduce, exclusive to the Rainbow Sea Dragon Eggs! Please welcome the Neferem!

Neferem chrysalis will be available from Rainbow Sea Dragon Eggs for the entire Turn-In event.

Anyone care for a song..? ;)

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