
Please note there may be more than one news release per day, so please scroll down and make sure that you have read ALL the news! :)

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Get out your favourite art program or commission your favourite artist! We're running a platinum custom design contest!

1. MAKE SURE that the token you are making art for is available, meaning that it is a site produced platinum base, or if it is a user-commissioned base, the token is stocked in the Special Items shop or being sold in a shop. If the token is user-owned and not being sold, we cannot obtain a token for you to use.

2. You can make the art yourself or commission it - this contest is not based on judging art, the winner(s) will be randomly selected.

3. The design you submit is the design that you must use if you win.

4. You can use edits in your design.

5. If you win, you will receive your custom khimera for FREE... we will provide the token and all items necessary to create the custom. You may choose any "under" khimera that aligns with your chosen token, with unlimited (within reason... we won't allow multiples of the same pattern or things like that) patterns and variations, glows, enigmas, etc.

6. You must abide by all current Platinum Custom guidelines for your submission.

7. To enter, upload your entry image to your favourite image server and then posts a link to your entry here in the comments of this news post!

8. If you have any questions about anything to do with this contest, please try to catch Onyx in the Lounge so that others can benefit from answers. If necessary, you can also submit a help ticket with your question.

9. The number of winners will depend on the number of entries!

10. One entry per user!

11. This contest runs until the end of the day on September 30!

We've decided to have a massive month-long bead sale, with new BB rewards each week! For our first Bead Bribery offer - until the end of the day on the 8th of the month, get a FREE serum of your choice with every 10 beads purchased!

September is Khimeros' 13th anniversary, and we're having a party all month long! To start us off...


Forever Upgrade Tokens are available all month long in the Cash Shop, for 75 beads each!


New collectable khimbits will be released EACH WEEK in the Lounge and in the foraging grounds! There are six 'bits in the Lounge and twelve forageable bits.


A brand new khimera base is available in the TRINKET SHOP! The wawagon likos chrysalis is available all month for 750, 000 trinkets!


Beads are on sale for 15% off until the end of the month!

Your bead bribery bonus this time - buy 50 beads and get a FREE khimbit-to-khimera overlay on an existing khimera! If you wish to buy an "under" khimera for your free overlay, you must pay the remainder of beads for the order (35 beads). You must still own the unique khimbit you wish to use, and follow all other rules pertaining to bit-to-khim events as outlined in the previous news post. Please submit a help desk to claim your overlay(s). This offer stacks, and there are no limits to the number of bonus overlays you can receive!

Slots are now open for unique khimbits to be turned into khimera overlays! All unique khimbits are eligible for this event! Your khimbit will be forfeited in this process, but you will be able to make new khimbit copies generated from your overlay for 1 bead each (note: this applies only if your overlay is attached to a Gen 1 Khimera). Overlays are being offered at 20 beads each when applied to existing khimeras!

You must own the khimbit, and it ***must be in your inventory, not your den, when you order!*** If you leave a khimbit in your den when you order, you risk interfering with the functionality of your den, and it may be some time before this can be fixed!

If you wish to order your overlay in conjunction with an "under" gen 1 khimera, you may choose any base that corresponds to the khimbit you wish to use as overlay - for example, an arabi foal counts as a pure embarr, so you may select any embarr base. If you are not sure which breed your khimbit corresponds with, please ask before ordering! The base khimera will include 3 free markings and unlimited free mutations, any other extras, like enigma elixirs, must be provided by the user. Custom + overlay will cost 55 beads.

Orders are open through the end of the day, site time, September 10!

To place an order, please put in a help desk with KHIMBIT OVERLAY ORDER in the title. Make sure you provide the breed and number or name of the khimbit you want used, make sure it is in your inventory, and provide a link to the khimera in your lair that you want the overlay applied to (or to the appropriate save slot, if ordering an under as well). Make sure you have the beads on hand or in your bank. Make sure you provide a name for your overlay!

Sorry, but you cannot reuse a name that is already in use for a unique khimbit of the same breed! This includes the name of the khimbit you are turning into an overlay. The system will not allow for this.

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