
Please note there may be more than one news release per day, so please scroll down and make sure that you have read ALL the news! :)

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Don't forget that the bead sale and chrysalis sale ends at the end of the day, site time! Get those 15 bead LE chrysalids before they go back to the regular price of 50 beads!


Beads are on sale for 15% off!

In lieu of a bead bribery, we're having a final chrysalis cave BLOWOUT starting now and going through the end of the day, site time, Friday. Buy one LE chrysalis at the already fantastically low sale price of 30 beads, get one FREE!!! Once this sale ends, chrysalids will remain in the cave but return to their regular price of 50 beads each! Regular chrysalids will still keep their normal price of 15 beads and mini chrysalids 6 beads, but they are not included in this super sale.


In order to qualify for this super sale, you must submit a help desk report stating which chrysalids you want ( mix and match as much as you like) and staff will manually remove the beads from your account and dispense the chrysalids to you ^^. Only applies to chrysalids currently in the cave.

Magical Sulana Draconis tokens can now be found while foraging, and in the live chat room (Lounge)! Tokens will circulate for a week, and will be redeemable for Special Sulana Draconis Packs!

Approximately 50 free packs will be available, and the number of tokens per pack will be calculated based on how many tokens are picked up!


It's that time you've been waiting for... time for SCARE TACTICS!

You can try to scare either Kai & Tai OR Arabasti once per hour. Find the links in the Special menu. Choose your scary scenario from the dropdown menus, and try them out on your NPC(s) of choice!

When scaring Kai or Tai you can receive a random spooky item!

When scaring Arabasti you can receive an item from his hoard of chocolate, OR, for one very lucky user per day, a spooky chrysalis! But watch out, because Basti can also fling smelly mud or trash at you instead!


>>> Beads are on sale for 15% off, and for every 20 beads purchased, get a free Chirrop Surprise Pack! Be sure to submit a support ticket to claim your bead bonus items! Remember, users outside the USA get an extra bonus to help defray the exchange rate, so be sure to mention your country of residence in your support ticket!<<<

Chirrop surprise packs are now available in the cash shop for 3 beads each! Opening a pack will deposit one item from the collection into your inventory! Surprise Packs contain a total of 6 packs of chirrop wearables (Bangles, Dreamcatchers, Pumpkin Heads, Gem Adornments, Candies, and Spiderwings), 2 backdrops with 2 colors each, and the following extra special items:

chirrop chrysalis

special chirrop tokens - entitles you to a random special overlay!

one of two new hummingwhut growable eggs!

As a very special bonus, when opening 25 packs, you will receive a free bonus chirrop chrysalis!

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