
Please note there may be more than one news release per day, so please scroll down and make sure that you have read ALL the news! :)

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Sulana Surprise Packs are now available in the cash shop for 2 beads each!

Inside the packs, you will find a plethora of potential deco and sulana wearables! Opening one pack will add one random item to your inventory. Note that these "items" may also be packs, which you will need to open to use the items inside. Note: If you have extras that you plan to turn in to the upcycle shop, you MUST leave these item packs, for example the Nebular Wings Pack, UNOPENED.

Special Sulana Tokens will entitle the holder to one unique sulana overlay, the details of which will be revealed in a later news post!

----------DECO ITEMS----------

Flame Tree Packs

Tropical Birds Pack


Carnival Wear Pack, Cherry Blossom Trinkets Pack, Golden Show Tack Pack, Silver Show Tack Pack, Molten Core Pack, Nebular Wings Pack, Wingtip Glow Pack


Striped Hibiscus Seed, Veined Hibiscus Seed

-----------SPECIAL ITEMS-----------

Sulana Chrysalis, Special Sulana Token

Get your throwing arms warmed up, new items are now dropping when you dunk the twins!

Feather Fan Glows

Starbright Adornments

Sunray Glows


These are open for 48 hours and I will take unlimited orders at 15 beads each. You may select the rose color (one color only) and the jewelry color (gold or silver only). The rest of the colors will be chosen by the artist to suit the design, and we reserve the right to make some alterations in order to ensure that no two overlays look too similar. If you absolutely do not want a particular color used, you can state that. Orders should be submitted via help desk and you should have the beads on hand at the time of your order. You may choose to have the overlay equipped to an existing base that you own, or you may wait and have the overlay applied to a sulana base when they become available. In the latter case, you can choose to have them applied to a khim you make with your own chrysalis, or you can purchase a chrysalis for 20 beads (this only applies when purchasing an overlay).

EDIT: All claimed, thank you!

Here are a few overlays to whet your appetite! These can be applied over any embarr-draak base, or you can have them applied over a sulana base when they become available. These are first come, first served and you can claim them by posting in the news comments, note that these are gold custom overlays, so only one of each will be sold, the first one to post claims their choice. Each overlay costs 15 beads and you must have the beads on hand or be prepared to buy them immediately. Help desk to have your overlay applied or state that you prefer to wait and have it applied to a sulana base. You can either choose to use a sulana you create, OR you can purchase a sulana chrysalis with your order for 20 beads. If choosing the latter, you must pay when you claim your overlay. 20-bead sulana chrysalids are ONLY available with overlay purchases.

Overlay #1

Overlay #2

Overlay #3

We hope you are feeling chatty if you want a chance at these new tail ribbons, mane ribbons, tail bouquets, and mane bouquets for the Sulana!

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