
Please note there may be more than one news release per day, so please scroll down and make sure that you have read ALL the news! :)

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The time has come where we really need to downsize our server to save on costs. So, starting in two weeks, we will be deleting the *images* of khimeras of users who have not logged in in more than one year. Note, we are not deleting the khimeras, we are deleting the images only. Once a user becomes active again, the images will need to regenerate. This means that any normal decos will still regenerate once the user becomes active again, as well as the khimera image itself. HOWEVER, it does mean that if you have decos that you have saved but no longer have the item equipped, or old glitched images and the like, you will lose those decos/images. The solution to this is simply to log in at least once a year. We thank you in advance for your understanding!

More Info from Hazer:

Say I had this Khimera here and I was inactive for a year.
The Khimera's images (normal, clean, naked and thumbnails):
Would be deleted from the server, however, the Khimera in question would still be there and still exist, but the images would no longer be here and would need to be regenerated.

The plan is to Clear inactive users (1 year of inactivity) Khimera images every 2 weeks (1st and 15th)

Then, once you/any user visits a Lair page containing those Khimeras or the main page of any Khimera that has its image removed, a script would run to re-generate that Khimera on the spot and reload it into the page.
There, the Khimera's Images will be available for another 14 days (until they get cleaned again, or if the inactive user logs back in they wont clear for another 1 year of inactivity).

Khimera's hefty server costs are mostly due to the sheer volume of Images being stored.
The images folder itself is over 968 GB - which is a lot.
400 GB~ Are purely from Khimeras that have been abandoned by their users for 1+ years.
So essentially, half of the cost of the servers have just been keeping up abandoned pet images.
This is why we'll be implementing this system, to save on a lot of costs.
We hope by generating on the spot we can alleviate any issues of "oh but I want to see X users khimera even though they're inactive", by temporarily generating that image for you when you need it.

Thank you for your understanding. <3

If you've had your Khimbits - Denned section of your dressup broken due to one of your khimbits being deleted whilst still in the den, that issue should be fixed now!

Beads are on sale for 15% off for the next three days!

All bead purchases will now earn you points in the March Bead Bribery and Monthly Deals shop! Remember, bead points are associated with a specific shop, not with a specific date. Shops will stay open for roughly a month, but a new shop will not open automatically when the the new month rolls over, so it's best to wait for the news post, or when you see the Shop open on the Events page!

To start things off, we've stocked Mini Enigma, Enigma Essences and Eye Changification potions for points! Khim-Bitcoins are available for both points and beads (these entitle you to have one unique khimbit that you own turned into a khimera overlay), and the sale chrysalids of the month are the Dragomorph and Kalalily!

Remember that this is the last day to use your points in the BB shop!!

It's the Onyx's Laptop Has Died Unexpectedly Event!

Sadly, last night my laptop died abruptly, and since it's a somewhat elderly macbook, it's not worth fixing. Being forced to buy a new work computer unexpectedly means I need to raise funds quickly. My loss, your gain!

We have some very special enticements available in the Bead Bribery shop!

Custom Master Backdrop Token

This token is limited release, with only 10 stocking to begin with, so they can be finished in a timely manner. They must be used by March 15. You may ask for a certain landscape theme, or choose a landscape photo from deposit photos and we will buy the rights and turn it into a backdrop. Themes and images are accepted at artist's discretion, if something doesn't work well, we may have to ask you to choose something else. The token gets you a single layer master backdrop; additional layers may be added for 10 beads, again at artist's discretion.


Special Platinum Extras Token

This token allows up to 100% coverage of any platinum token base, essentially sidestepping the "base must be recognizable" rule. You may turn off all layers and simply submit your own art in place, subject to approval.


Special Platinum Bases Token

This token allows you to choose any khimera or khimbit base on site that we have a psd available for (excluding user-owned assets) to use to create a platinum overlay!


Custom Enigma Pattern Token

Use this token to submit a new enigma pattern to be included in the available enigmas on site! Subject to approval. Only 10 of these tokens will be stocked at a time.

The sale and rewards will be active through the end of the month!

Have an idea for a special BB reward for the event? Run it by Onyx and we'll consider it!

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