
Please note there may be more than one news release per day, so please scroll down and make sure that you have read ALL the news! :)

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Still have a random gold token in your inventory for the following breeds?: Ocelotlcoatl, Quetzalcoatl, Turixcoatl, Arabou, Xochiyotlcoatl, Dragomorph or Skywing?

Good news! Now is your chance to redeem these tokens~ Please take a look through THIS THREAD, then follow the instructions listed below.

If you have have a special any of these special tokens, you may choose up to THREE customs that you particularly would like to have for EACH token that you hold (only one vote per person per overlay, however - you can NOT vote 3 times for the same overlay if you are entitled to three overlays, for example).

**please transfer your special token(s) to grimoiredays (#23309) BEFORE making your selection on the choice thread. This is so we can keep track of who is entitled to an overlay from the thread**

You may choose up to THREE customs that you do not particularly want for each that you are entitled to.

You will not be guaranteed to NOT get any of the customs that you have indicated you do not want. Your chances of receiving one of the customs you do particularly want will depend on how many other people have signed up for that particular custom, and the vagaries of the random number generator, though we try to make sure nobody recieves one they dislike :)

All customs that someone has indicated an interest in will be raffled off first via random number generator. I will then proceed down the list of remaining customs, in order, and assign them to a new owner via random number generator. This will be the last opportunity to pick waht you would like before the remaining overlays are randomly assigned to those who still hold tokens.

You have ONE WEEK from today to make your choices. After the draw, you will be asked to put in a help desk with the underlay choice for your overlay. Please wait until the news post asking you to, to do so. The underlay for each breed is the same as the overlay breed. Please submit a help desk if you need further clarification.

Please post ONE post per person on this thread, stating your choices. Please do not post anything else on this thread. If you wish to comment on the overlays, please post any comments on the display thread posted above.

Random Gold Overlay Thread - CLICK HERE!!
Random Gold Selection Thread - CLICK HERE!!

Just a brief post to let you know that all the free batatu packs have been picked up, so you can stop killing yourself foraging :P


There is just ONE remaining batatu "mini pool" of 20 that will be released some time today, and that wraps up this part of the batatu khimbit event! No more paid batatus will be made after this point.

You have one last chance to pick up some unique batatu khimbits, as Batatu Khimbit Surprise Pack II's are circulating in foraging, dice, and in the Lounge! There are 65 packs available and they will go quickly, so be sure to participate in this event today! There are also still a few Batatu Khimbit Surprise Packs to drop into the cash shop!

Still upcoming are the previously purchased Bead Bribery Batatu khimbits and master items, and the Batatu khimbit-to-khimera overlay event!

The Masquerade Shop 2020 is now also open, so you can redeem your lolly tokens for Batatu chrysalids!

Those of you who were online the day of a certain real-world event being announced will find a special celebratory gift in your inventory if you search for "Chrysalis" ;)

Gidorkian (#34621) is this week's lottery winner(s), taking home 34,840 trinkets! Congratulations!

Zanderwolf (#35014) is this week's lottery winner(s), taking home 78,065 trinkets! Congratulations!

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