
Please note there may be more than one news release per day, so please scroll down and make sure that you have read ALL the news! :)

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Bead Sale! Bead Bribery Points / Event Shop!

Beads are now on sale for 15% off until end of day, site time, Friday, December 8! A new bead bribery event will be active until the end of the day, December 10, and you will receive bead bribery points at the rate of 1 point per bead purchased!

That's right, since Hazer has fixed our bead bribery points system, you will now get bb points that you can spend in an event shop!

You will need to be vigilant in noting the DATES for bead bribery events going forward, as you will only have a limited time to make your selections from the shop. The news will give you a starting date (usually when news is posted) and an END date by which time you need to make your selections from the shop. Note the end date for the BB event for this purpose, not the end of the bead sale! So in this case, you can get BB Points and spend them until the end of the day, December 10. The shop will then CLOSE and any unspent points will be lost. If there are going to be pool items like unique khimbits included in a given bead bribery event, we will let you know that at the time news is posted.

Some bead bribery rewards like khimbit overlays will still require a help ticket to be submitted, when that is the case we'll note it in the news post, but going forward, your requests MUST be submitted within 24 hours of the end date of the event to be valid!

The current bead bribery event shop can be found in the main navigation menu, World > Event Shops. More items will be added to the shop soon!


Fixes and Features!
Hazer has been hard at work making fixes and implementing upgrades to features relating to admin pages and event shops/pools!

New Features and Changes

Feature / Page Optimisations

- Admin - Mass Khimbit Uploader
- Admin - Item Creation
- Admin - Item Edit Page
- Admin - Item Pool Page
- Admin - Event Pool Page

*Due to the poor performance on a lot of these administration pages previously, it made a task that should take minutes possibly take hours over time. Now that these features are fixed and optimised we should be able to get content out to you in a much more stream lined and painless manner!*

Page Layout Changes / Improvements

- Event Shop Listing Page
- Event Shop Page *(still WIP!)*
- Event Shop now has navigation bar to other linked pages

New Pages

- Event Shop Item Turn in List
- Admin - New Create Item Pool Event Page

Changed / Fixed Features

- Bead Bribery Point distribution has been fixed
- Bead Bribery Points are now awarded at a rate of 1 point per bead purchased
- Added Currency Support to Item Pools (Trinkets / Beads / BB Points) ---- ## Work In Progress
- Adding support for soft ceilings on purchasing items from event shops ---- ## Work In Progress
- Support for Trinket / Beads / BB Points in Event Shops
- Support for Item Pools & Unique Items in Event Shops at the same time
- Other sneaky little additions and fixes
- Further Layout Changes for Event Shops!


Mega Retro Packs

To celebrate our coderpalooza, we've releaed Mega Retro Packs, a never-before-seen chance to receive not only old monthly treasure items, but retired Surprise Pack and Event Pack items as well! Basically, anything that can be turned in to the Upcycle Shop can be obtained from Mega Retro Packs with the exception of khimbit treats, old HA wearables, and a few other items that are currently unusable. We have also added some growable seeds and eggs to the packs, and Mystery Chrysalis Packs are your special items. For every 15 packs opened, you will also receive a bonus mega retro pack! Mega Retro Packs are available in the cash shop for 3 beads each!

Some new grimbarr equips have appeared in the Emporium and more will be coming over the next several days!

This is your 24 hour warning that all beach themed, swan themed, and picnic themed items will be removed from the Emporium!

Beads are on sale for 20% off for the next week!! That's only $4 USD per string!


Bead Bribery Options!

- For every 25 beads purchased, get a free khimbit or growable overlay!

- For every 60 beads purchased get a free chrysalis of your choice!
- Neither of these choices appeal to you? Have a hankering for something different, maybe something we've never offered before? Contact Onyx! #10 to discuss the endless possibilities! Want to purchase something for beads that isn't currently available? Let us know and we can talk!

(These options don't stack, that is you can't get both options by purchasing 60 beads. However, should you purchase 85 beads, for example, you can choose one chrysalis and one overlay).

Welcome the new Grimbarr khimera to khimeros! Grimbarrs are grimm-embarr hybrids, and can be obtained using a hybrid chrysalis, or by breeding embarr and grimm khimeras together.

Note: to search for the grimbarr in the khimera search, you will currently need to type in grimm-embarr and embarr-grimm as they are not showing up when searching for the alternate "grimbarr"!

As a reminder, the BB event will continue past the end of the bead sale, until the beginning of the next BB event. BB rewards must be claimed within two weeks of the end of the BB event!


Bead Sale!

Beads are on sale for 15% off until end of the day, Friday!

Bead Bribery!

For every 25 beads purchased, choose any one of these new grimbarr overlays! Buy 125 beads and get them all! (Note: the Glass Octopus overlay is transparent!)

OR if you are not interested in overlays, for every 50 beads purchased, get a free hybrid chrysalis!

Blue-Ring Octopus Grimbarr, Glass Octopus Grimbarr

Merry Grimbarr, Jolly Grimbarr

Toxic Carnivorous Grimbarr, Hungry Carnivorous Grimbarr

Collectable Corvan have been spotted around the site... can you find them all?

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