
Please note there may be more than one news release per day, so please scroll down and make sure that you have read ALL the news! :)

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Upgraded users should hurry to the Treasure Trove to pick up this delicious new khimbit friend!

Two more new Gingerbread Friends are available in elixir and khimbit form in the Emporium Galorium!

Eight new deco-only gingerbread elixirs are also available in the Emporium!

We have a fantastic new Global Marketplace features linked under the Commerce tab! Check it out!

Global Marketplace

Allow you to search through trades, auctions and shops all in one place, search partial names, filter results by trinkets, beads or both, buy directly from the results page without entering the user shop!

Manage Auctions
Create and manage auctions and view the results of your auctions/auction history.

Manage Trades
Create, manage, and cancel active trades.

Manage Shop
Price, add or remove items from your personal shop.

Browse Trades

Browse through all khimera or item trades, search through item names and khimera names - and you can use partial names for searching (hint: for the time being, if you put up your khimeras as "unnamed" it will give others a good search term to find your khimeras by ;)

Some more tweaks will be made once Hazer recovers from his hand surgery! We plan to consolidate the trades, personal shops and auction pages fully to the Marketplace at a later date.

Everyone please send Hazer some healing vibes!

Beads are on sale for 15% off for the next three days!

Six new overlay elixirs and six new khimbits have been added to the Bead Bribery Shop! You can view full size images of the overlays in the Gingerbread Friends Overlay category in the Overlay Index in the Resources menu.

Khimbit Checklists Overhaul

As Onyx spoiled in the last news post - I've been working on updating the Khimbit Checklist.
First it was just ironing out some bugs, and then of course I got lost in the sauce and added more features!
The general rundown of the changes and additions are below:
  • FIXED: Not being able to update past a certain number of Khimbits.
  • FIXED: Empty Khimbit categories showing in the checklist.
  • FIXED: MASTER items showing up in the checklist
  • FIXED: Khimbits showing up multiple times in the checklist.
  • FIXED: Duplicate Khimbits counting towards max Khimbit total.
  • CHANGED: You can now click the Khimbit box itself to check/uncheck it
  • ADDED: Show/Hide all button
  • ADDED: Main Progress bar
  • ADDED: Khimbit Categories have their own progress bar too!
  • ADDED: Check all from Den button to check off all the Khimbits that are in your den, woohoo!

So what are you waiting for? Use the quick stock feature to move all appropriate Khimbits from your inventory to your den then check them all off now!

Item Inventories now feature a Quick Stock option! Featuring the following:

- Ability to move to Shop, Den, Chest, SDB, Seed Pouch/Egg Basket and also delete items en mass, with a cconfirmation page

- Logs all transactions
- Mass moving options for:
- Khimbits to the Den (excludes growable khimbits as they cannot go in the den)
- Equip items into the Equipment Chest

- Growable Seeds into the Pouch/Basket

Check out your khimbit checklist page as well, as it has been revamped!

Be sure to thank Hazer for his hard work!

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