
Please note there may be more than one news release per day, so please scroll down and make sure that you have read ALL the news! :)

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Picnic Basket Treats are finished dropping! You can now turn them into the WISC habitat.

If the habitat appears to be empty please try again later, there will be enough WISCs it to cover ALL treats!

Since it seems the poor sensitive fleurs feel underappreciated, they have taken themselves back to their celestial garden! We will try to appease them enough to allow a small number of their kind to return with the lure of treats, but they have declined to offer themselves up for new homes from the Fleur Shop unless all of their brethren currently in the shop first find new homes.

Taking advantage of the quiet lull, the shy hoparu have hopped out of their holes and can now be found in the Hoparu Shop!


We feel that it's time for a reminder regarding what is and is not allowed when selling/trading/giving away khimeras.

When you sell a khimera, you do not have the right to tell the new user what they can and cannot do with that khimera. This includes re-selling, forcing them to sell back to you if you don't want the khimera anymore, breeding, studding, releasing or anything else that a person can do with a khimera they own. Once it leaves your lair, it does not belong to you anymore and you do not have any control over it.

This means:

-The MOST you can do is list REQUESTS on the khimera's profile as to things you'd prefer. These cannot be stated as "rules" and you cannot tell people to not buy the khimera if they don't abide by the "rules". You cannot infer that while these are listed as requests, they are in fact rules... you get the picture.

-You may not blacklist people, directly or indirectly, post in a derogatory manner about people who have not followed your requests, either directly or indirectly, message people protesting that they have not followed your requests, harass people, etc.

If you sell khimeras on an "honor system" regarding the following of requests regarding breeding, etc., the ONLY recourse you have if people do not abide by your requests is to not sell to that person again.

If you wish to sell your khimeras privately and only to selected users, you may use trades or via a sales or trading thread in the forums (all rules stated above still apply, however).

Please amend your user profiles/khimera profiles etc. accordingly. There will be consequences for those who do not do so within a week's time.

Account Rules have been updated to make this clearer.

Thank you for your co-operation!


There is now a new stickied forum thread in the Help section of the fourms. The "Unique Khimbit Fixes" thread now exists. This is where you can post a request to have your unique khimbit(s) looked at and fixed! Yippee!

Unique Khimbit Fixes Thread

Some common ailments of afflicted unique khimbits include cut off edits and base, derpy glows, leaky pixels and stuff that should be there that isn't and vice versa. Of course, there are more issues than just those. If you are unsure as to whether there is a problem with your unique or not, you may also ask on this thread. Instructions on how to post are listed there.

If you have an open help desk on a unique khimbit fix already (that has not been dealt with) or an open forum thread- feel free to add to the new thread.

Please also note that we will get to these fixes when we are able. But there is no timeline on turn-around for them. However, we will try our best to fix them in a timely manner.


And if you are an upgraded user, you will find a nice new treasure trove item in the swamp!

But wait! That's not all! We'd like to present to you- the Likorgi, a new alternate for the Likos breed! Likorgi chrysalids can be purchased from the chrysalis cave for the reasonable sum of 6 beads.



Let me be the first to introduce you to our new Khimera Ultimate Platinums

First up is a lovely aquatic creature called Chou Koi

Draak Underlay
Commissioned by Tsume (#177)

Next is the very playful Akita Inu

Roving Likos Underlay
Commissioned by Najawarie (#21593)

And last but certainly not least is the mythical Mythlin

Leaping Ayalon Underlay
Commissioned by grimoiredays (#23309)

You can download these amazing bases via the Platinum Customs page.

As always when creating any platinum please follow the rules. You can find the rules by clicking here

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