
Featured Khim of the Week

Saint Germain

Hey all!
I apologize to anyone who's been trying to contact me, I no longer actively play Khimeros anymore so if you don't get a reply back on forums or messages, it's because I am not here.
Please contact me on Flightrising if you need anything from me, otherwise be prepared to wait several months before getting a response. Thanks!

Hello, and welcome to my profile. You may refer to me as Caribou. c: Feel free to PM me with any questions you might have or if you simply want to chat. (Keep in mind that I am 4 hours behind Khimeros time, though!)
You may have also seen me around Flight Rising and Gryffs as Caribou. ;3 Feel free to chat with me there, too!

*** I am not playing on here as much as I used to, and I am frequently gone on the weekends. I may sporadically play on my laptop while at my friend's house during that time. ***

* If you wish to set up a breeding with any of my khims that are not listed for stud, feel free to PM me with an offer. c: Some of them may also be by reservation only, so go ahead and drop me a PM if you want a breeding! *

My Journal
My Wishlist *Outdated; do not use for reference until updated.

I am more often seen on Flightrising than I am here anymore. Anyone looking to purchase a khim or item I have for sale with FR items, treasure, or gems is welcome to PM me~!


For others: None
From others: None

Big Money Items I'm currently trying to obtain:

Ultimate Khimera Platinum Custom
Beads Count: 50/250 :c

*** Forever Upgrade Token ***

Platinum Upgrade Token

Eosian Khirin Token | Embarose Token | Lilia Token | Vioyalon Token | Malkin Token | Korath Token

Hippocampus Ult Plat Token | Pegasus Ult Plat Token | Hordram Ult Plat Token

Fantaluna Ult Plat Token | Windula Ult Plat Token

Genet Ult Plat Token | Pavallo Ult Plat Token | High Dragon Ult Plat Token

Night Bird Ult Plat Token | Mythlin Ult Plat Token

Griffabit Chrysalis | Elegan Chrysalis | Wyvir Chrysalis | Khirin Chrysalis

Sen Chrysalis | Rait Chrysalis | Khomainu Chrysalis | Xochiyotlcoatl Chrysalis

Potions and Serums I currently need:

Glitter Star Serum (x Infinity)

Pattern Addition Potions | Pattern Subtraction Potions

Variation Addition Potions | Variation Color Change Potions

- My Achievements -
Kai and Tai's Quests Bronze Trophy
Kai and Tai's Quests Silver Trophy
Kai and Tai's Quests Gold Trophy
March 2013 Gold Orange Slice Trophy
April 2013 Gold Jelly Bean Trophy
Kai and Tai's Quests Prismatic Crystal Trophy
May 2013 Gold Fudge Trophy
July 2013 Gold Iced Mocha Trophy