I love unicorns and dragons! Most of my khimeras seem to fall into those categories, especially unicorns.
Wishlist Stuff
Khimeras - I've gotten picky as my lair is filling, but I'll still take a look at any of these:
Overlays with some of the underlying colors matching the overlay. More matching the better! They can be standard overlays, Platinum, or Gold Customs.
Happy to do Gen 2 trades for custom overlays for any of my custom overlays.
I LOVE Arabi khimeras!!!!!
NOTE - I will not accept inbred khims. I don't care that these are just pixel pets, the concept is something I just don't want to deal with.
Pegaru, Fabelles and Wyvirs!
Decorations: Space themed
Other: I LOVE ANY of the addition, subtraction potions, and pattern or color changers.
If you see anything in any of my sales, shop, or trades that you don't have trinkets for but you do have any of these items on my wishlist, then message me and I'll take a look :)
I'm also on Flight Rising, my name there is also Kesstryl. I run the Colors of Light Hatchery, dedicated to breeding triple white and maize:
Kai and Tai's Quests Bronze Trophy
Kai and Tai's Quests Silver Trophy
Kai and Tai's Quests Gold Trophy
Kai and Tai's Quests Prismatic Crystal Trophy