
Profile Text
So I'm taking a khims break. I don't know when (if) I will truly come back. I'm still checking in, because I've dumped too much money in this place to just walk away, but... I'm not so happy here lately. So if you noticed my absence & miss me ;P just shoot me a msg and I can give you contact details. Otherwise, well, guess I'll see ya when I see ya.
If you've got any questions about stuff in my galleries or whatever, as I said, I'm still dropping by, so, just msg me.

Umm, hi! I have no idea what to write here! xD I love squirrels, and ladybugs, and snails, and monkeys! I also love the color teal, and blue comes in close second. If you're looking to make me an offer on something, those colors are always a good bet! ;)

My wishlists are here, khimbit & deco.
I have galleries with 'bits & deco available for sale/swaps. Just msg me about what you're interested in.
Current Trades
No active trades.
Kai and Tai's Quests Bronze Trophy
Kai and Tai's Quests Silver Trophy
Kai and Tai's Quests Gold Trophy
Kai and Tai's Quests Prismatic Crystal Trophy