
Please note there may be more than one news release per day, so please scroll down and make sure that you have read ALL the news! :)

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We have a few awesome improvements to announce!

First up, all Growables that originated on khimeros should now be working in deco! Unfortunately, Growables that originated on Aluriya could not be fixed and can be discarded from inventory. We do plan to re-release these Growables, like the orca, beta, and kale, so you can grow new ones over here.

Secondly, the inventory glitch that caused blank spots in the inventory when sending eggs or seeds to the basket/pouch has been fixed!

And last but not least, Khimera pages have been given a massive facelift for functionality and design!

Once again thanks goes to Hazer for all his hard work!!

We are currently still working on perfecting our new layouts, so expect to see more changes there in upcoming days. Additionally, we are making some site-wide changes to things like the navigation menu, to make the site more easily understandable to new users when they first start playing the site. The khimera control panel is no longer in a floating box but can be found below the khimera info on their individual pages. We understand that these changes may be difficult for older users to get used to, but we ask you to bear with us as it is very important to make the site as accessible as possible for new users who do not have the benefit of years of experience with the site.

If you ARE a new user, and found anything difficult to find or understand, you can post a comment in this news post and we'll consider your feedback! Please try to be as precise as possible, including the exact page or pages where you became confused, or were expecting to find info or a different feature, but did not.


It's time to rejoice, as we now have a discard feature for inventories!!! Simply click on an item in inventory and the option to discard the item will be at the bottom of the item menu. Be sure to use caution, as any items discarded are gone forever and you cannot get them back!!

We hope you had fun collecting event tokens, the Masquerade event has ended for the year! You can now head to the Events link in the main navigation bar and head to the Masquerade 2021 Event Shop to turn in your horseshoe tokens for points to purchase a Necros Foal Chrysalis!

PS. Don't miss the news posted earlier about the new Peaceful Forest site theme release!

kiwikittie (#26549) is this week's lottery winner(s), taking home 10,595 trinkets! Congratulations!

You can now try out the "Peaceful Forest" site theme! This is a "medium dark" theme as opposed to the "light" Golden Mountain theme. As with Golden Mountain, there are still a few color tweaks remaining!

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