
Please note there may be more than one news release per day, so please scroll down and make sure that you have read ALL the news! :)

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Mashira (#943) is this week's lottery winner(s), taking home 3,510 trinkets! Congratulations!


A new Treasure Trove item is now available for upgraded users, the Boho Round Rug Pack. Get 6 completely mismatched rugs for your maximalist shabby pad!

The Eccentria now has Inferno marking showing! Cuz everything is on fire and it's fine. :D

Crafting Medallion II in copper, silver, and golden are now circulating in all foraging areas!

These medallions are used to craft flyger wearables! Playful Bangles and Playful Ribbon Adornment are now available to craft when visiting Thimble in the forest. You will need also need your extra copies of the Golden and Silver versions of these items, available from Flyger Surprise Packs, to craft these items. We will be releasing more craftable colors for your excess pack items in upcoming days, as well as craftables that do not require items from Surprise Packs, that anyone can craft. So keep your eyes peeled!

Original Crafting Medallions remain in foraging for the moment, as we do plan to release a few more fluffle craftables as well.

A note on crafting recipes for pack items - both version I and II create the SAME items. Two recipes are required so that you can use either the silver or golden versions of your items as reagents.

Jesavaldo (#7834) is this week's lottery winner(s), taking home 13,325 trinkets! Congratulations!

I jumped the gun a bit! You still have a few hours to get in your last overlay orders. They will close at midnight, site time! ^^;

Now, don't miss the important news post under this one ^^

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