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**Khimbit Overlay orders are now CLOSED!**

Time for the mid-monthly bead sale! Beads are 15% off for the next 4 days!

We also have some bonus goodies!

Get 10 free searchable lair slots with every string of beads purchased!

Additionally, get a FREE mystery chrysalis pack with every 50 beads purchased! There is no limit on the number of mystery chrysalis packs you can receive!


First of All, This is your warning that the Khimbit Overlay Orders will be ending very soon.

Congratulations to our April 2020 Raffle point winners

1st Place.
Regency (#15862) Wins a voucher for a Khimbit Overlay!

Please put in a Help Desk report stating you won the Khimbit overlay as a prize when ordering. You will still need to have the khimbit in your inventory, provide a name for the overlay, and be sure to include a link to the khimera you want the overlay applied to!

2nd Place.
Irishnugget (#2405) Wins Flyger Chrysalis

3rd Place.
Tigerstorm0926 (#35849) Wins 2 Flyger Surprise Packs

4th Place.
Lorigan (#35799) Wins a Single Flyger Surprise Pack.

Congratulations to the winners! Your prizes will be sent out shortly!

Remember if you post in the forums you can earn yourself raffle points which gives you the chance to win a prize

Naiad (#22389) is this week's lottery winner(s), taking home 20,475 trinkets! Congratulations!

I have just gone through and fixed a bunch of rait customs that were previously not able to produce khimbits and now should be good to go. I have also updated the khimbit tax to 1 bead each. If you own a Rait custom overlay and still cannot generate a khimbit or the tax has not been updated to 1 bead, please submit a help desk ticket.

I am opening up some more slots for khimbits to khimera overlays.

Slots are available for ANY unique khimbit to be morphed into an overlay. Your khimbit will be forfeited in this process.

You must own the khimbit, and it must be in your inventory, not your den, when you order!

Each overlay costs 20 beads and will only be able to be applied to an existing khimera.

Khimbits will be matched up to their corresponding base - so all canine khimbts will belong to the likos base, all feline khimbits to the asadia base, and so on. Any khimbit that does not correspond to a pure khimera base (not a hybrid) will belong to the eccentria base. Base assignment is at staff discretion. You can use any alternate that corresponds to a base, so if for example you want to turn a yote khimbit into an overlay, you can ask to have it applied to any likos alternate. If you are not sure what base a khimbit will belong to, ask Onyx! #10.

Again, if you are not sure which base your khimbit corresponds to, please be sure to ask staff BEFORE submitting your order!

Orders are open through the end of the day, site time, May 13!

To place an order, please put in a help desk with KHIMBIT OVERLAY ORDER in the title. Make sure you provide the breed and number or name of the khimbit you want used, make sure it is in your inventory, and provide a link to the khimera in your lair that you want the overlay applied to. Make sure you have the beads on hand or in your bank. Make sure you provide a name for your overlay! Sorry, but you cannot reuse a name that is already in use for another unique khimbit of the same breed! The system will not allow for this.

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