
Please note there may be more than one news release per day, so please scroll down and make sure that you have read ALL the news! :)

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A plethora of new wallpaper-style backdrops are available when you release your khimeras to the meadow! Remember that when releasing khimeras you can randomly receive an item, trinkets, extra breedings, or even beads! Rewards are available for the first 20 khimeras released every day.

mentholss (#33237) is this week's lottery winner(s), taking home 21,905 trinkets! Congratulations!


Get your beads for 20% off for the next four days!! That's only $4 USD per string!!

Outside the USA users, don't forget that you qualify for a bead bonus, and until the pandemic fallout is over, we're awarding 2 extra beads per string on ALL outside-USA bead purchases, without any minimums. To claim your bonus, please submit a help desk report stating your country, the email address used to purchase the beads, number of beads purchased, and date purchased.

Bead Bribery Bonus:

This time, for every 50 beads purchased, you can select your choice of one of the following Sweetheart Lockets for the Flyger base - black, golden, rose, red, or silver!

Please submit a help desk to claim your choice. Be sure to include the same pertinent information listed above. One help desk report for the entire event please - you can add any extra bead purchases to your initial ticket.

Setta (#35588) is this week's lottery winner(s), taking home 14,885 trinkets! Congratulations!

Have access to the Wishing Well? You can now flip your khimeras' genders when visiting the well with a wishing penny! One of these adorable Regenderfication Archosaur Sprites may also follow you home, if you are lucky!


For those new users who aren't familiar with the Wishing Well, visiting it can cause a number of different changes to your khimera, depending on which effect is currently active. To gain access to the Wishing Well, you need to achieve the Gold level trophy when completing Kai and Tai's quests. At a random time after you reach Gold level, you will receive your first wishing penny item when completing a quest, and you will have access to the Well thereafter! Users who have not completed these steps cannot access the Wishing Well, even with a wishing penny!

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