
Please note there may be more than one news release per day, so please scroll down and make sure that you have read ALL the news! :)

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tsuiri (#7671) is this week's lottery winner(s), taking home 21,190 trinkets! Congratulations!

A BEAD SALE and bead bribery event are on for the next week! Get 15% off beads, and receive the following bonus items:

When you buy a total of 25 beads, receive the Cherry Blossom Path Backdrop - Eventide

When you buy a total of 60 beads, receive the Cherry Blossom Path Backdrop - Dawn

When you buy a total of 100 beds, receive the Cherry Blossom Path Backdrop - Daylight

These bonus items STACK. So, if you buy 100 beads during the event, that means you get all three backdrops. If you buy 125 beads, you get all three backdrops plus a second Eventide backdrop, and so on. You do not need to buy all the beads at the same time as long as they are bought during the duration of the event!

To claim your bonus item(s) please submit a help desk with the number of beads bought, the date you bought them, and the email address you used to make the purchase. Please create ONE report for the entire event and update it as you go. You may also claim your bonus beads on the same ticket.

Remember that we are awarding 2 bonus beads per string purchase on all outside-US purchases, regardless of number of strings bought, until the current worldwide difficulties have subsided!

Most giveaway fluffles have now been given out! A couple of users had full lairs, so please check your lair space if you did not receive yours yet, and you posted on the fluffle giveaway news post. Send Onyx #10 a message when you have a space cleared. Three users have not yet received their fluffle as I need to breed a few more, I will try to do that later today!

First, I've updated the Signs of Spring Backdrop, as I forgot to reverse it before uploading, so the original light direction was wrong. It has now been flipped.

Second, due to the trying times right now and increasing instability in world currencies against USD, we are now offering the maximum outside-USA bead bonus of 2 beads per string on ALL outside-USA bead purchases, no minimums required. This will remain in place until things get back to normal.

Third, we're updating the rules for the Lounge. While we know it is meant in good fun, some roleplaying behaviors in the Lounge are getting out of hand. We need to be sensitive to all users and particularly to new users who don't understand the "culture" yet. Therefore, we reqire that users refrain from things like mock eating, biting, licking, trampling on, and otherwise invading the "virtual personal space" of other users, particularly newbies. We will try to be reasonable when it comes to things like hugging friends, but think of the Lounge as an actual Lounge as far as interacting with other users. If it's not something you'd do in an actual Lounge, then give some extra thought to what you're about to type. If you want to sprinkle glitter around or paint the walls pink, go ahead, but direct your actions to the chatroom in general instead of toward individual users unless you know them well and know that they won't mind. And if anyone should ask you to NOT engage in this kind of play, please respect their wishes.

New master items have been added to Fluffle packs, and these will be the last masters available from opening these packs. When they are all gone, the bonus (previously master items) will be replaced by fluffle chrysalids.

Upgraded users, put on your hip waders and hurry over to the swamp to pick up your monthly item! This month featuring the Signs of Spring Backdrop! And for some extra springy goodness, all users can head to the lounge and chat up a storm for a chance to receive random Signs of Spring Crocus, in seven vibrant colors!

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