
Please note there may be more than one news release per day, so please scroll down and make sure that you have read ALL the news! :)

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Setta (#35588) is this week's lottery winner(s), taking home 17,290 trinkets! Congratulations!

Round 1 of Master Madness is now over, as all tokens have been picked up! We hope you enjoyed the mini event! Don't forget to promptly pick up your packs from the event shop!

This is a time-limited event. We will be releasing 20 tokens into foraging and the Lounge. Obviously these will be rare so please don't complain that they are hard to find! That is the point ;) You will have 48 hours from the posting of this news to go to the Elegant Regalia Event Shop and turn in your tokens for a Master Madness Elegant Regalia Pack. After that, the shop will close and your tokens will no longer be useable, though you can open your pack at any time. Each pack contains a random Elegant Regalia master item in golden or platinum. We will make a news post when all tokens have been picked up.

If a few extra tokens happen to be released, we reserve the right to add a different type of master item to fill out the pool.

You will be hunting for the following:

Skein of Precious Jewels

What is a Master Item?

A Master Item is a unique item that only one user owns. They are usually deco items - that is, wearable by khimeras. A user can choose to keep the item unique to themselves, or they can create copies, which are called Custom Items, to sell to other users. There is always a tax associated with making copies of Master Items, usually 2 beads, though in this case the tax is only 1 bead! This means that when you make a copy, you pay the site the designated tax, and then can sell, gift, trade, etc. the item for whatever price you like. You can also sell copies of your item to other users for beads via the Special Item Shop! In this case, you do not need to pay anything upfront. You simply go to the Special Item Shop (Commerce menu) and click on the link to go to your Special Items, then designate the price you want to sell the item for. Whenever you get a sale, the tax is deducted and the rest of the profit will appear in your account!

We will try to have a few different rounds of Master Item Madness, so if you miss out this round, you'll get another opportunity!

Since there have been several questions about this lately, I want to clarify some things about craftables. Usually, craftable items come and go. Currently, we have available some extra colors for the items in the Fluffle packs. This allows users who have extras obtained from opening multiple packs, to do something useful with their spare items. However, as we've said in previous news posts, there will be new craftable items coming that anyone can craft without needing to purchase cash shop items.

Some time later today we'll be starting a fun new event that anyone can participate in (no purchase necessary) where you can collect tokens to redeem for MASTER ITEMS!!! We'll be starting the event with a selection of 20 different golden and platinum Elegant Regalia Master Items in a variety of jewel tones! Not sure what a master item is? Stay tuned for more info at the beginning of the event :)

Setta (#35588) is this week's lottery winner(s), taking home 41,730 trinkets! Congratulations!

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