
Please note there may be more than one news release per day, so please scroll down and make sure that you have read ALL the news! :)

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FLASH BEAD SALE! Beads are now on sale for 15% off for 3 days only! Stock up while you can!


Craftables using your Fluffle Surprise Pack extras are being added to Thimble's shop in the forest! You will need to forage to find Copper, Silver, and Golden Crafting Medallions to complete the recipes! More items will be added in upcoming days.

If you don't have any extra pack items, don't worry - we'll be adding new Fluffle wearables to the site for all users to obtain as the event progresses!


I have created five pairs of G1 Fluffles and bred 10 G2 Fluffle offspring from each pair for a special giveaway!! These are the only Fluffle offspring that will be bred from these pairs until the next special holiday giveaway. You can see the giveaway Fluffles here: All users have THREE DAYS to post a comment on this news post stating that they would like to participate in the giveaway. You cannot choose a particular giveaway khimera, all will be given out on a random basis to giveaway participants. Once you receive your khimera, you are free to do as you wish - keep, trade, sell, give away etc.

Stay tuned in upcoming days for more Fluffle fun!

Congratulations to our February 2020 Raffle point winners

1st Place.
Emylee (#25571) Wins Frosty Snowflake Adornment - Christmas

2nd Place.
spectralFeather (#33454) Wins Fluffle Chrysalis

3rd Place.
SilentChaos (#18506) Wins 2 Fluffle Surprise Packs

4th Place.
PeriwinkleSky (#34020) Wins a Single Fluffle Surprise Pack.

Congratulations to the winners! Your prizes will be sent out shortly!

Remember if you post in the forums you can earn yourself raffle points which gives you the chance to win a prize

Tayana (#30436) is this week's lottery winner(s), taking home 15,795 trinkets! Congratulations!

If you want to order any last minute Snitten overlays, please do so in the next 24 hours! If you don't know what I'm talking about, read down a couple of news posts ;)

We hope you will enjoy the new event we have lined up! Instead of a cultural festival this year, we are doing something a little different - featured breed Surprise Packs! Each pack costs 3 bead from the Cash Shop, and contains a random item!

Fluffle Surprise Pack

The Fluffle Surprise Pack contains Fluffle chrysalids and a plethora of Fluffle wearables, backdrops, and if you are very lucky, master items!

Luck not so good? You are guaranteed a bonus chrysalis each time you open 12 packs! Packs do not need to be opened at the same time to receive the bonus.

Opened a lot of packs trying for those chrysalids and master items, and now you have lots of extra wearables? In the next few days we'll be introducing lots of new colors of wearable items that you can craft with your spares! Spares can also be turned in to the Upcycle Shop!

Can't afford packs? We'll soon be releasing Fluffle wearables available for all users through crafting and other means! All fluffle wearables can be worn on any generation of khimera!

Don't forget - when equipping breed-specific items you will need to place your khimera in your deco image *first*, then equip the items (you can equip backdrops and other items at any time). If you move your khimera after equipping breed-specific items, you will need to remove them and re-equip them.

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